Physiotherapy for stroke
The brain is made of different areas which control varying functions of the body. When an area of the brain is damaged it can have a serious impact on the life of the person affected. A Stroke is caused by a compromise in the blood supply to an area of the brain. This leads to a lack of oxygen reaching the affected area and causes this area to become damaged. This can result in problems with movement, speech, memory and balance. Physiotherapy aims to help recover lost function, stimulate new movement pathways and promote independence. This is completed through therapeutic handling, task orientated rehabilitation and specialist devices designed to reduce the impact of the condition.
The effect the stroke has on the individual’s life will depend on the areas of the brain which have been damaged and the size of the damaged area. At Leeds Physiotherapy our specialist team of neurological physiotherapists are experts in the assessment and treatment of those affected by stroke. Our patient centred approach means that your goals are at the centre of everything we do. Some of the common symptoms and problems we have helped people with include:
- Abnormal gait
- Cognition problems
- Communication problems
- Difficulty with motor skills
- Dystonia
- Foot drop
- Hemiplegia
- High and low tone
- Paralysis
- Post stroke pain
- Reduced balance
- Reduced coordination
- Soft tissue contractures
- Spasticity
- Slow or rigid movement
Leeds Physiotherapy’s specialist team of neurological physiotherapists are on hand ready to start your initial assessment whether that be in the comfort of your home or at our modern clinics.
To arrange an appointment, please fill in the form below.