The shoulder is the most mobile and least stable joint in the human body and is therefore highly susceptible to injury. Injury can occur through many different causes such as trauma (fractures and dislocations) and overuse injuries (rotator cuff tears). Some of the main problems following surgery include pain and a loss of range of movement and strength. Physiotherapy helps to overcome these problems and to speed up recovery as much as possible.
Leeds Physiotherapy offers expert physiotherapy to people who are about to or have had surgery of the shoulder. Prior to surgery we are able to offer advice on the procedure, and devise personal exercise programmes to get you in the best condition possible prior to surgery which will help your recovery. Following your operation we can start your rehabilitation as soon as possible. This will involve returning movement, strength and proprioception to their normal levels. Leeds Physiotherapy’s team of specialist physiotherapists commonly see these types of shoulder surgery:
- AC joint/clavicle excision
- AC joint stabilisation
- Anterior inferior capsular shift
- Arthroscopy
- Bankart repair/anterior stabilisation
- Biceps tendon repair
- Capsular shrinkage
- Fractured clavicle fixation
- Fractured humerus fixation
- Frozen shoulder release – arthroscopic release of the coraco-humeral ligament
- Hemiarthroplasty
- Long thoracic nerve release
- Mobilisation under aesthetic (MUA)
- Rotator cuff surgery (repair and debridement)
- Shoulder replacement
- SLAP repair
- Steroid injection of the shoulder
- Sub acromial decompression
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